Monday, 17 June 2013

Pre Alaska Training

Nick Healey is an inspiration to many people for his ocean sports antics. WeSUP has been following his training and preparations pre-Alaska with the hope that what we learn will continue to inspire all who are interested.

I called Nick to see if he'd be happy for me to join him on a training run. He agreed so we followed his 10 mile over nighter to Durgen beach. Even this training trip was enough to inspire the camera crew. God only knows what impact the Alaska story will have!

As he ponders around his house swigging from a carton of Coconut Water, im taking in the simplicity of his home set up and the references that nod to his lifestyle. Most obvious his his ever faithful companion 'Burt'. He's the docile Golden Retriever who totally knows the score and wastes no time being as cute as possible to ensure his place on the adventure. Its all very calm and offers up a cool level of quietness which I guess reflects Nicks confidence and certainty that he is prepared and has everything he needs for this trip.

Nick packs his ION water proof bag with a Phone inside of a waterproof bag, a lightweight jacket by Finisterre, a summer sleeping bag a tiny tent, a ration pack, some modest snacks and of course, that Coconut water. He slings a hydration pack over his shoulder, collects the pieces of his 3 piece Quick Blade and heads out the door. It all seems too simple for a camping trip but knowing the journey he is about to undergo, I guess that the beauty is in its simplicity.

Nick's training ground is right outside of his front door in the Greenbank Harbour. Often a sheltered ocean location, its a stunning location which on this day was no exception. Its glassy flat and the sun is warm. Its a perfect day for such an excursion. Nicks a man who seems to have a friend for everything and as we head down the road to where nick stores his boards we come to a shed that couldn't be any closer to the water if it tried. Within there is every single board in Nicks quiver and im thinking - This man has his game sorted because we all know 14ft race boards are a nightmare to store. Well he's got 3 of them in there! He picks out the Fanatic backpack and carries it to the steps at the waters edge.

No one has seen the board within the bag as yet. It's brand new and not actually released in this country but its a 3rd Generation 14ft Inflatable Race Board by Fanatic. He pumps the beast up in about 5 minutes using a combination of the stock pump that reaches a 15psi limit before finishing off the 25psi capacity with an after-market pump by Red Paddle. It's not been easy, he's puffing a little but the board is solid as a rock! He assembles his paddle and its now time to go. We wave him off and head to Durgen beach some 10 miles by sea and car to meet him.

 Nick Arrives having barely broken a sweat and as we are looking through the lens at the back drop, it occurs to us that the location he's paddling into is absolutely breath taking in its beauty.

We'd all been to Durgen before, many times, but to be liberated by the concept of an over night stay in a tent, with a camp fire and marshmallows was properly inspiring. We had this massive discussion about why we don't just do stuff like this all the time... The weather is one reason for sure but the lack of understanding that something like this 10 mile overnight trip is so simple and accessible is the main reason. We all knew what we were capturing through the lens but we didn't all expect to share the satisfaction that Nick was feeling. He'd equipped himself with some very basic essentials and just gone camping... on his SUP! It's brilliant and is inspiring and its so, so simple! You dont even need to be particularly fit, just prepared and aware of the weather.

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